On July 22, the “Low Carbon Ukraine” project submitted a draft of the “Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan” (NECP) to Deputy Minister Yaroslav Demchenkov of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, that is responsible for the NECP drafting process.
The Ministry of Energy had requested the support of the project “Low Carbon Ukraine” to prepare a draft in accordance with the template proposed by the Energy Community (EnC). After a kick-off meeting in May 2019 and the formation of a Technical Working Group under the auspices of the Ministry, the project started to comprehensively map existing policies and measures, plans and strategies and conducted a profound gap and target analysis. As proposed by the EnC template, this overview was organised three chapters:
- Chapter 1: Overview and process for establishing the plan
- Chapter 2: National objectives and targets
- Chapter 3: Policies and measures
The last two Chapters then describe the effects of policies and measures along the five dimensions of the Energy Union (explanation see below):
- Baseline Scenario (Chapter 4): Current situation and projections with existing policies and measures
- Policy Scenario (Chapter 5): Impact assessment of planned policies and measures
Chapter 5 was not included into the submitted draft due to the explicit request by the Ministry of Energy as Ukraine’s updated NDC scenarios – that would ideally be consistent with the NECP baseline and policy scenario – are still under discussion.
Throughout the preparation phase, the project reported on the results and status of the work in regular meetings with the responsible Deputy Minister. On July 24th, the submitted NECP draft was presented to and discussed with the Expert Council of the Ministry of Energy in Kyiv. By the end of August, the document will be reviewed in an intra-ministerial process. In September, the updated document shall be discussed in a comprehensive stakeholder process.
As a Contracting Party of the Energy Community (EnC), Ukraine committed to submit a NECP by the end of 2020. Following the Presidential Decree №837/2019, the integrated plan shall be prepared and approved by 30 September 2020.
The NECP was originally developed for EU Member States in the framework of the Energy Union. It shall enhance the governance process between EU and Member States, ensure compliance with international climate obligations, enhance transparency for Member States and address policy interactions.
The national plan takes a holistic approach and addresses the five main dimensions of the Energy Union in an integrated way, which recognises the interactions between the different dimensions. That means, the integrated plan reports on existing plans and strategies (and thus does not represent an additional strategy or plan) and analyses their impact along the five dimensions of the Energy Union:
- Energy security
- Internal energy market
- Energy efficiency
- Decarbonisation
- Research, innovation and competitiveness
The integrated plan covers the period up to 2030 with an outlook to 2050.