June 10, 2020 — Quarterly Monitoring Report Energy Strategy 2035. Implementation progress Mar-May 2020 Anti-crisis measures in electricity sector. Ukrenergo certification. Gas market. RES support scheme. Electricity market opening. Electricity consumption decrease due to Covid-19. Quarterly Monitoring Report (06/2020, en)
May 28, 2019 — Policy Briefing Analysis: Risks of opening the Ukrainian Electricity Market The market opening on July 1st may have negative impact on final prices for industries and economy as a whole. With little time left, at least critical risks should be mitigated. Analysis Market Opening Risks (05/28/2019, PB, en)
May 7, 2019 — Policy Note Debts in the Ukrainian Electricity System Accumulated debt poses a major obstacle on the way towards a new electricity market. A solution to this problem needs to be found before the new market design is introduced. Debts in the Electricity System (05/07/2019, PN, en)
April 17, 2019 — Quarterly Monitoring Report Energy Strategy 2035. Implementation progress Feb-Apr 2019 Developments on the law introducing RES-e auctions, launch of daily balancing on gas market and Naftogaz issues. Deep dives into the issue of debts in the Ukrainian electricity system and progress with electricity market reform. Quarterly Monitoring Report (04/2019, en)
January 3, 2019 — Quarterly Monitoring Report Energy Strategy 2035. Implementation progress Nov 18 – Jan 19 Changes in the environmental taxes and related challenges, new PSO rules on the gas market and supply billing issues. Deep dive into the draft law on new RES support scheme (auctions) and introduction to Ukraine’s National Energy and Climate Plan. Quarterly Monitoring Report (01/2019, en)
November 8, 2018 — Quarterly Monitoring Report Energy Strategy 2035. Implementation progress Jun-Oct 2018 Key Developments in Ukraine’s Energy Sector. Balancing Needs due to RES increase. Introducing the Low Carbon Ukraine Project Quarterly Monitoring Report (11/2018, en)