Pathways for Reforming Ukraine’s Carbon Tax: Towards an ETS-Compatible Upstream Tax with an Expanded Scope

This Policy Briefing accompanies and summarises the Policy Proposal “Pathways for Reforming Ukraine’s Carbon Tax: Towards an ETS-Compatible Upstream Tax with an Expanded Scope”. It advocates for an ambitious reform of Ukraine’s carbon tax, transitioning it to an upstream tax with expanded scope and increased price levels. By expanding its coverage to sectors like buildings

Pathways for Reforming Ukraine’s Carbon Tax: Towards an ETS-Compatible Upstream Tax with an Expanded Scope

The Policy Proposal “Pathways for Reforming Ukraine’s Carbon Tax: Towards an ETS-Compatible Upstream Tax with an Expanded Scope” addresses the critical need for reforming Ukraine’s carbon pricing mechanisms in alignment with European Union standards and the country’s EU accession goals. It advocates transitioning Ukraine’s outdated and narrowly focused carbon tax to a reformed upstream tax,

Ukraine’s Steel Sector: State of Play and Pathways to a Greener Future

Despite significant challenges and the loss of production capacity due to the ongoing war, Ukraine’s steel industry remains a vital part of the economy with significant potential for sustainable transformation. Our policy brief “Ukraine’s Steel Sector: State of Play and Pathways to a Greener Future” provides an in-depth analysis of the current state of Ukraine’s

Instruments to catalyse energy efficiency investments in residential buildings

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has left a lasting impact on the country’s residential sector, with economic damages exceeding EUR 54 billion. Ongoing assaults on energy infrastructure have deepened the crisis, intensifying energy shortages and underscoring the urgent need for energy-saving solutions. One key response is to prioritize energy-efficient construction and retrofitting

A deep dive into Ukraine’s imports of critical energy equipment and fuels since Russia’s invasion

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the country’s energy infrastructure has been heavily targeted, resulting in significant challenges to maintaining energy security. This policy paper analyses Ukraine’s response, particularly focusing on the surge in imports of critical energy equipment and fuels essential for restoring damaged energy infrastructure and ensuring a stable energy

Fueling the Future: The Economic Relevance of Ukraine’s Biomethane Sector

Despite the ongoing war, Ukraine is actively pursuing recovery, economic stability, and a green transition. Biomethane production and export can play a pivotal role in these efforts, offering a sustainable energy source for both domestic use and the European Union.  Our policy brief, “Fueling the Future: The Economic Potential of Ukraine’s Biomethane Sector,” explores this

Pathways for the decarbonisation of Ukraine’s power sector. Scenario comparison, impact of CBAM and the role of Ukraine’s upcoming Emissions Trading System (ETS)

The Policy Briefing “Pathways for the decarbonisation of Ukraine’s power sector. Scenario comparison, impact of CBAM and the role of Ukraine’s upcoming Emissions Trading System (ETS)” outlines possible pathways for the decarbonisation of Ukraine’s power sector. Different scenarios based on work by Low Carbon Ukraine and modelling by other recent studies outlining net-zero pathways for

Exemption of electricity exports from EU-CBAM. Conditions for exemption and assessment for Ukraine

This Policy Briefing accompanies the Policy Paper“Exemption of electricity exports from EU-CBAM. Conditions for exemption and assessment for Ukraine”. It examines Ukraine’s alignment with the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) conditions for exempting its electricity exports. Enacted in October 2023, the CBAM mandates importers of specific goods, including electricity, to account and pay for

Designing a suitable Emissions Trading System for Ukraine

This Policy Briefing accompanies and summarises the Policy Proposal “Designing a Suitable Emissions Trading System for Ukraine: Squaring EU Convergence, Price Certainty, and Competitiveness”. It advocates for a tailored Ukrainian Emissions Trading System (ETS) to balance EU integration, economic stability, and competitiveness. We recommend implementing a strong price stability mechanism, such as a fixed-price regime

Exemption of electricity exports from EU-CBAM

This Policy Paper examines Ukraine’s alignment with the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) conditions for exempting its electricity exports. Enacted in October 2023, the CBAM mandates importers of specific goods, including electricity, to account and pay for embedded greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with full implementation set for 2026. Ukraine faces a series of stringent

Designing a suitable Emissions Trading System for Ukraine

The Policy Proposal “Designing a Suitable Emissions Trading System for Ukraine: Squaring EU Convergence, Price Certainty, and Competitiveness” explores the complex task of aligning Ukraine’s climate policies with the European Union amidst the ongoing Russian invasion. It advocates for a tailored Ukrainian Emissions Trading System (ETS) to balance EU integration, economic stability, and competitiveness. The

Existing and past energy & climate-related financing for EU member-states, candidate, and neighbourhood countries

The European Union (EU) provides substantial financial support through loans and grants to its members, candidate countries, and those within its neighbourhood policy framework, with a growing emphasis on energy and climate initiatives. Ukraine’s new status as a candidate country might provide access to additional funds such as the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA). Nevertheless, facing

Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Restoration and Green Transformation of the Energy System of Ukraine” n° 9011-d: Assessing the economics of prosumer provisions for residential rooftop PV

The increased roll-out of small-scale renewable energy sources and enabling the rise of prosumers are two of the key steps for Ukraine to the transition to a more decentralised energy system. Given the recent adoption of a net billing support scheme, this policy evaluation assesses the costs, revenues and payback periods for the installation of

Keeping the lights on in times of grid outages. Solar PV panels, battery storage systems and diesel generators

Summary: Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure have caused significant electricity disruptions and outages. This policy briefing compares the economic case for installing solar PV panels, battery storage systems and diesel generators at a sample Ukrainian school. Through techno-economic modelling, the paper finds that under current conditions and a variety of tested scenarios, it is

Policy reforms supporting Ukraine’s green reconstruction. Keynote presentation for the panel discussion on October 19th, 2022

This Policy Briefing is a short version of LCU’s Policy Proposal “Policy reforms supporting Ukraine’s green reconstruction”, prepared as the keynote presentation to a panel discussion on October 19, jointly organised by the Low Carbon Ukraine team, Ecoaction, and DiXi Group. While there are important economic reasons for a green reconstruction of Ukraine’s electricity, heat,

Policy reforms supporting Ukraine’s green reconstruction – Recommendations for the heat sector

This policy briefing is based on LCU’s Policy Proposal “Policy reforms supporting Ukraine’s green reconstruction” and looks specifically at recommendations for policy reforms in Ukraine’s heat sector with a focus on district heat. While there are important economic reasons for a green reconstruction of Ukraine’s heat sector, substantial regulatory obstacles and disincentives need to be

Policy reforms supporting Ukraine’s green reconstruction

The post-war reconstruction of Ukraine will require massive investments in rebuilding her energy infrastructure. To ensure the country’s future competitiveness in a progressively decarbonising global economy, it is paramount to “build back better”. This paper outlines major challenges and regulatory obstacles to mobilising investments into low- or zero-carbon assets for the electricity, gas and district

Impact of the war in Ukraine on countries in Central Asia and Eastern Europe: Low Carbon Ukraine study for the OECD Green Action Task Force

A policy briefing has also been prepared on the basis of the policy paper: For the annual meeting of the OECD’S Green Action Task Force, we contributed a background study analysing the impact of the war in Ukraine on climate and energy policies in eight countries of the European Union’s Eastern Partnership and Central Asia:

Impact of the war in Ukraine on countries in Central Asia and Eastern Europe: LCU study for the OECD Green Action Task Force

For the annual meeting of the OECD’S Green Action Task Force, we contributed a background study analysing the impact of the war in Ukraine on climate and energy policies in eight countries of the European Union’s Eastern Partnership and Central Asia: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. We find that: Globally, countries

Putting the green reconstruction of Ukraine into action: Requirements for programme design and policy

Low Carbon Ukraine, together with Centre for Environmental Initiatives “Ecoaction” and CEE Bankwatch, have organised a roundtable conference on May 31st. This roundtable brought together over 60 representatives from civil society and industry, as well as national and international experts, to discuss what green reconstruction means concretely in every sector, what barriers to a green

Ukraine’s power plant park: Optimal configuration in 2032 and investment needs in the transition phase

Ukraine’s electricity sector will play a salient role in decarbonising the economy. A cost-optimal configuration of the power plant park in 2032 implies a complete replacement of coal-fired power generation by renewables and gas turbines. In the transition phase, around EUR 1.5 bn per year will be necessary to finance those new generation technologies.

Investment needs for reaching the 2030 NDC targets: An explanatory note

Ukraine needs €47bn of additional investments to reach 2NDC emission targets. The €102bn figure often mentioned includes €55bn of regular investment unrelated to NDC. Ukraine’s investment need still is high, but not as high as often mentioned. Additionally, efforts must be undertaken to re-channel some of the €55bn into “green” projects. A carbon price would be a crucial instrument to achieve this.

Ukrenergo Adequacy Report – Evaluation of power plant park scenarios for 2032

In this Policy Evaluation, we aim to evaluate and compare Ukrenergo’s Adequacy Report with LCU calculations in terms of scenario building, carbon emissions, expansion of renewables and flexibility options for the electricity system by the year 2032. LCU and Ukrenergo envisage a similar development of the electricity system in the coming years. While the share

Implementing the National Emissions Reduction Plan (NERP): How should Ukraine’s power plant park look like in 2033?

Ukraine risks significantly falling behind on implementing the National Emission Reduction Plan (NERP), a binding obligation towards the Energy Community (EnC). A debate about a possible revision of the NERP has started in Ukraine but so far focuses on relaxing the requirements of the NERP, including the deadlines already extended especially for Ukraine.