November 21, 2019 — Policy Note Limiting the cost of feed-in-tariff subsidies Assessment of feed-in-tariff, related expenditures for RES, current scheme of financing, impact on state budget and electricity prices. Analysis of risks of retroactive change in support scheme. FIT subsidies (11/21/2019, PN, en)
November 21, 2019 — Policy Note Energy Strategy 2035: Lessons learnt from implementation Assessment of the progress on the ESU 2035 action plan implementation, analysis of gaps, barriers and the lessons learned, providing recommendations on further improvement of the process. Review of Energy Strategy (11/21/2019, PN, en)
February 20, 2019 — Policy Note The Draft Law on Renewable Energy Sources Recommendations: Dynamically adjusting FIT based on project duration. Incentives for a smart & grid-friendly location selection. FIT reduction in 2019 to contain costs. Draft Law on RES (02/20/2019, PN, en)
January 30, 2019 — Policy Briefing Stabilizing the support for renewables Ukraine is about to adopt changes to the RE support law and introduce auction-based remuneration scheme. But is it not too late? Will the conservative changes to FIT help to contain the expensive boom? Stabilizing support for renewables (01/30/2019, PB, en)
November 2, 2018 — Policy Briefing Exploiting benefits of small solar and biogas Small renewables projects can have important side benefits. Well targeted feed-in tariffs can support a cost-efficient deployment. Small solar and biogas benefits (12/21/2019, PB, en)