December 9, 2020 — Quarterly Monitoring Report Energy Strategy 2035. Implementation progress Jun-Dec 2020 Renewable electricity generation has reached record level. A decline in nuclear output could be observed in May 2020 that was not justified by technical or economic reasons, lower electricity demand or RES deployment. Quarterly Monitoring Report (12/2020, en)
March 8, 2019 — Policy Paper Developing a National Energy and Climate Plan for Ukraine The NECP is an opportunity for Ukraine to reflect on its key energy challenges. But its preparation is complex and requires strong political commitment. Developing NECP (26/03/2019, PP, en)
February 20, 2019 — Policy Note Ukraine’s National Energy and Climate Plan Introduction to the development of National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) for Ukraine, namely timeline and structure of the document. National Energy and Climate Plan (02/20/2019, PN, en)