Developing a National Energy and Climate Plan for Ukraine


As a follow-up to the adoption of the Recommendation 2018/01/MC-EnC on preparing for the development of integrated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) by the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community, Ukraine needs to start the necessary preparatory work on the policy, analytical and technical aspects of the plan. This should not be seen as an administrative burden but as a strategic opportunity.

  • It is adamant to consolidate Ukraine’s energy sector and economic transformations with effective and adjusted strategies that provide clarity and predictability and that provide a clear and credible path to foster energy security, sustainability and competitiveness;
  • It can be instrumental to fostering Ukraine’s Europeanization, attracting investments and funding;
  • The Plan and the underlying policies are key to preventing that a new “carbon wall” is progressively established between the European Union (EU), which is deepening its decarbonization process, and Ukraine which would put at risk future integration prospects.

This plan should be consistent with the already approved strategic long-term documents, be coordinated at interministerial level, involve leading public and private stakeholders in Kiev and all through the country and aim at taking stock of past developments & trends, high-yield opportunities, costs, constraints and laying a pathway to foster predictability in policies and regulations.

Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Carole Mathieu

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