Policy Event “Reaching Ukraine’s energy and climate targets”

Our policy event “Reaching Ukraine’s energy and climate targets” organized together with the NGO “DixiGroup” in Kyiv, was a complete success. Of the more than 400 registered participants, 240 actually attended the official online meeting, and another 200+ visitors watched the livestreams on Facebook.

Thereby, we presented six of our papers, addressing:

  1. The decarbonization of the steel sector (David Saha)
  2. The renovation and modernization of Ukraine’s public building stock (Frank Meissner)
  3. A reform of the electricity market (Matti Supponen)
  4. A socially acceptable transformation of mining regions (Manuel von Mettenheim)
  5. Synchronization of the Ukrainian with the European electricity grid (Lukas Feldhaus)
  6. An increase of Ukrainian production of electricity from renewable sources. (Clemens Stiewe)

The fact that we were able to attract a number of high-ranking politicians and experts for our panel discussions certainly contributed to the large turnout.

Among them were Roman Abramovsky, Ukrainian Minister of Environment, Maksym Nemchynov, Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Energy and Oleksandr Martynuk, Head of Department at the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy, Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, CEO of the Ukrainian network operator Ukrenergo.

Further international experts were Professor Max Åhman, Lund University, Susanne Nies, General Manager Germany at Smart Wires, and Martin Schön-Chanishvili, Senior Advisor at Germanwatch.

In addition, our presentations and panel discussions also attracted a large number of international experts including representatives of relevant international organizations, government and embassy representatives, as well as international private companies and universities.

We are particularly pleased that our ideas for a profound reform of the Ukrainian energy system seem to be attracting broad public interest in Ukraine.

We hope that with this event and our Policy Proposals, we were able to make a helpful contribution to translating Ukraine’s many energy and climate goals into concrete action.

You can find all Policy Proposals here:

All recordings can be found here:

All presentations can be found below.

Policy Session Zoom Room 1



Presentation: Reaching Ukraine’s Energy and climate targets by Georg Zachmann (LCU Project Leader)

Thematic Sessions

Zoom Room 1: Energy and HeatZoom Room 2: Electricity

Towards a decarbonisation of Ukraine’s steel sector 

11.10-11.25: Presentation:
David Saha (LCU)

Reforming Ukraine’s electricity market

11.10-11.25: Presentation:
Matti Supponen (LCU)
(English and Ukrainian)

A socially sustainable coal phase-out in Ukraine

12.00-12.15: Presentation:
Manuel von Mettenheim (LCU)

 Synchronising Ukraine’s and Europe’s electricity grids

12.00-12.15: Presentation
Lukas Feldhaus (LCU)
(English and Ukrainian)

 Energy efficiency in public buildings – 50% retrofitting target until 2030

12.50-13.05: Presentation
Frank Meißner (LCU)
(English and Ukrainian)

A cost-efficient deployment of Renewables

12.50-13.05: Presentation
Clemens Stiewe (LCU)

“We want to go from plans to

measures, to turn targets into


Georg Zachmann, LCU Project Leader

About the Low Carbon Ukraine project

The project Low Carbon Ukraine (LCU) is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag. It is implemented by BE Berlin Economics GmbH. It started in September 2018 and is designed to last until August 2021.

About DiXi Group think tank

DiXi Group was founded in 2008 in Kyiv as a think tank involved in research and consultations in the energy sphere – on the crossroads of politics, public relations, safety and investments. The Centre combines both professional analysis of performance and reforms in the specific sector and wider tasks – strengthening transparency and accessibility of energy policy, improved governance, cooperation of the government with the public and business.