Reaching Ukraine’s energy and climate targets

Book Cover

Motivation and project background

This series was elaborated in the framework of the project Low Carbon Ukraine (LCU) supporting more ambitious paths for selected energy and climate policy areas.

The idea to develop the present ten “Policy Proposals” arose in the course of LCU’s support for the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine in setting up a National Energy and Climate Plan for Ukraine. While Ukraine’s climate targets are partially very ambitious, we often observed a lack of underlying analysis and concrete policy measures to achieve those targets. For the mostcrucial topics, we provide a comprehensive analysis and propose concrete policy measures based on international experience.

Each Policy Proposal was written in a multi-stage process: a first draft of LCU experts or invited professionals was discussed over summer and early autumn 2020 with Ukrainian experts and stakeholders. Results of those discussions were taken into account when updating the Policy Proposals. It is important to note that the presented results reflect the view of the authors and not necessarily the position of the BMU (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety).

We hope that the present analysis and proposals will contribute to a fruitful and constructive discussion and help Ukraine to develop ambitious, yet realistic energy and climate policies.

Dr. Georg Zachmann, project leader
Ina Rumiantseva, project manager

Dr. Georg Zachmann

What is a Policy Note?

Policy Notes provide a very concise overview of one specific topic. They often build on earlier more substantive work. Some Policy Notes were also published as part of the Quarterly Monitoring Reports.