The German Economic Team moderates one panel on February 27th at the KAS-event “Café Kyiv – We choose freedom” on economic challenges and reconstruction after the war.
February 24th marks the anniversary of the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. On February 27th, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation invites you to the premises at Karl-Marx-Allee 34/Schillingstraße in Berlin, which have been renamed Café Kyiv for this purpose.
We are delighted to be able to contribute to this distinguished event with own contributions. The German Economic Team will moderate one discussion panel on economic recovery after the war.
We invite you to participate at the following panel with us:
13:00-14:15 pm CET, Room: Donetsk
The Ukrainian Energy Sector and Prospects for a Green Recovery
Keynote: Yaroslav Demchenkov, Vize-Minister für Energie der Ukraine
- Iryna Stavchuk, Ukraine Programme Coordination, European Climate Foundation
- Dr. Yulia Rybak, Co-Head Secretariat oft he German-Ukrainian Energy Partnership
- Valentyn Bondaruk, Expert International Cooperation, German Energy Agency (dena)
Moderator: Pavel Bilek, Deputy Project leader, Low Carbon Ukraine
Language: English
To participate, please register on the KAS-Website here. Places are limited.
A full outline of the programme, as well as a floor plan, can be found here.
Please note that registration is for all events on that day, partial registration is not possible. The whole programme will be in attendance. The general begin is at 9 am.