December 9, 2020 — Quarterly Monitoring Report Energy Strategy 2035. Implementation progress Jun-Dec 2020 Renewable electricity generation has reached record level. A decline in nuclear output could be observed in May 2020 that was not justified by technical or economic reasons, lower electricity demand or RES deployment. Quarterly Monitoring Report (12/2020, en)
September 3, 2020 — Policy Briefing NPP Analysis – May 2020 NPP electricity generation in May was significantly below the economic efficient level. This cannot be explained by Covid-related demand decrease or a high RES generation share. NPP Analysis May 2020 (08/10/2020, PB, en)
June 10, 2020 — Quarterly Monitoring Report Energy Strategy 2035. Implementation progress Mar-May 2020 Anti-crisis measures in electricity sector. Ukrenergo certification. Gas market. RES support scheme. Electricity market opening. Electricity consumption decrease due to Covid-19. Quarterly Monitoring Report (06/2020, en)
May 26, 2020 — Policy Briefing The effects of COVID-19 on electricity consumption in 2020 2020 electricity consumption might decrease by 5% (best case) to 8% (worst-case scenario). COVID-19 effects: electricity consumption (05/26/2019, PB, en)