Impact of the war in Ukraine on countries in Central Asia and Eastern Europe: Low Carbon Ukraine study for the OECD Green Action Task Force

A policy briefing has also been prepared on the basis of the policy paper:

Effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on climate and energy policies in the European Union’s Eastern Partnership and Central Asian countries

For the annual meeting of the OECD’S Green Action Task Force, we contributed a background study analysing the impact of the war in Ukraine on climate and energy policies in eight countries of the European Union’s Eastern Partnership and Central Asia: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

Manuel von Mettenheim, Rouven Stubbe, David Saha, Pavel Bilek

What is a Policy Briefing?

Similar to Policy Papers, current or possible future policy topics are discussed. The economic analysis and policy recommendations are presented in a concise manner, focussing on the core arguments and results.